Thursday, April 5, 2007

Therapy and it's several alternatives...

I should start to do some choices about the long term therapy which we had planned for my future. As a matter of fact my therapist will quit her job on June and it would be nice to know how I will continue after that…

There is so many choices in that field and I have no Idea witch working method would be best for me. Art-therapy has been one of my possibilities but also same kind of working method what I use at the moment with Mari -I suppose it is Psychodynamic Trauma therapy or something like that…

What difference is with cognitive therapy and psycho therapy?
How can I find the right therapy method just for me?
And after that -How can I find therapist whit whom I speak whit same language and whom I can trust enough?
Do I benefit anything even I'd spend few years for expensive and intensive therapy?

I think everyone have some problems and feel themselves a little dubiety someday but still it is only a faction of people who sit on sofa of therapist twice a week and had to process those problems. So, Why I should? -and the other hand- Why Not?

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