Monday, April 23, 2007

Rainy spring

It is gray out there.
Rainy day after rainy day.
The Nature are waiking, slowly but certainly.
Like every year.
-now it seems to come earlier.
On may -before the Eurovision Music competition- we might have a green city full of flovers whitch would be better than nice! I don't know what I should think about that coming week...when whole city is full of tourists and Media persons etc. Nice if I can meet some new people but awful to try live your normal life in that chaos.
I miss the sun.
Yesterday was a little bit shiner but now it rain again. It have a big effect into my mind. My eys shine also (and only) same time than the sun...
I try to listen good music which help a little but I need something else into my workroom to get enough energy also for these graydays.
-perhaps some yellow colour picture..?

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