Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sziget -festival 2007 / Budapest / Hungary

The biggest festival in Europe since 1993 so these were 15th festival with anout 400 000 people and nearly 1000 artist including something for everyone! It was something amazing! Something totally different than finnish rock festivals... I mean that there were loads of other things beside music... Theatre, dance, classical music, cabaret, performances, films, fine art, crafts, literary presentations, programs for kids, sports and other free time activities like logic games for me. All happenings, stages and event tents, restaurants, clothshops, record shops, sport areas were aroud that big island. Sziget means island in hungary and the festival has get it names from the place. Camping was allaround in festival-island. Every forest between those meny stages were full of tents. Around o'clock there happend something -the whole one week! DJ Party's, Reggae-, Jazz-, Soul-, WorldMusic-, MetalMusic-, Localartists...each of them had own stage and "village" aroud that; food and drink possibilities, cloths and other stuffs which might gratified those people who like to stay listening to just that music genre.
I saw Pink and Faithless and Sinead O'Connor and Within Temptations, SoulFly, Tool, The Killers, Nine Inch Nails, Negative and Hanoi Rocks and a lot of lot of other bands, one really good reggae band which name I don't know and few whose were ok...and of course those DJ's! Digital21 was amazing! also I like Dave Clarke and Motor and DJ duo Sharam/Deep Dish who play on last night. I have to go there next year again!

We stay on Hotel Noé in north Buda. It was cheap but small, nice, clean Tennis-hotel with Sauna!!! -from the hotel was walking distance to HÈV train or bus stop so it was easy to move there. I had a one week bus ticket and I really use it travelling aroud city shopping, alone, with friends or just seeing views. Every time I visit in Budapest it feels smaller and smaller, perhaps because it's not strange anymore.

The travel by bus was experience...yeah, I should use that word. Everything went fine and I could even sleep there but. Still. Next year I'll fly. Much more faster and comfortable. The best part of bus trip was staying in Cracow (2 nights) and visit in Auschwiz. Dark and gloomy place which make you serious but I think the dating just before oneweek festival was good; you don't have to stay too long in too dark feeling. Visit in Museum of House of Terror in Budapest wasn't good move from me... after auschwitz that was too much so I nearly walk through the museum whitout fucusing for those horribles. Whereas the Unicum Museo was really nice target. There was enough humor, not too much facts and of course the possibility to taste those legendary herbal bitters... I can recommend that but perhaps not to drinking those first in the morning into empty stomach. At least I couldn't.


Anonymous said...

Ainakin mulle House of Terror oli kova pala ilman Auschwitzin vierailuakin. Ne alakerran järkyttävät kammiot, hirsipuu ja kuulusteluhuone... Ja jo se sisääntulo panssarivaunuineen. Huh. Mutta teki hyvää nähdä sekin, uskon. Että muistaisi edes hetken miten etuoikeutettu sitä on.

GelatoGirl said...

mua vaivasi siellä kyllä toteutus "ei unkarinkielisten" kannalta, eli lähes kaikki informaatio oli printattuna mustavalkoisena tiiviintylsänä tekstinä A4 liuskoille, dokumenttiohjelmat (joita oli paljon) kaikki unkariksi yms..

mutta kyllä, rikastuttavat nuo kokemukset omalta osaltaan elämänkatsomusta ja arvomaailmaa. en kadu käyntiä, mutta en viihtynyt siellä (toivottavasti ei kovin moni muukaan..)